Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Did you hear?

    When I think about a super power that would be really awesome a couple answers come into mind, but one in particular I thought would be really great. Traveling through time. I know this sounds a bit cheesy but I would like to travel back in time and just see how Jesus just worked it. And I would have liked to sit with the disciples as they found out that their Savior lives. I mean there are other times in history that I would like to check out but it doesn't even compare to the Living God walking and talking on earth. Well we do have the bible that documents some of Jesus' adventures, but because I am a visual person it would have been awesome to be there. 
    Thinking about this makes me think how far apart we actually are from God Almighty. I mean theology really does sum up to the point that we are not God. He lives in us but is so much higher than us. I think in terms of time and space, where as God created them both! I guess that is what is cool about prayer too, because it reaches outside of time and space to an eternal, immortal and unchanging God. It is even weird to think about God because he is so different from us, the way God came into our context through the incarnation of Christ is so powerful and mind boggling when we think of something coming into time and space. I just really need to remember that God does not work on a schedule but that He is both the beginning and the end. Praise God!

Marty McFly: "Wait a minute, Doc. Ah...are you telling me that you built a time machine...out of a DeLorean?

Dr. Emmet Brown: "The way I see it, if you're gonna build a time machine into a car why not do it with some style? 

-Back to the Future 1985


ddhoffman said...

Don't we have the opportunity to see Jesus do his transformational and redemptive work daily right in front of us and don't we have the Holy Spirit right here with us reminding us that our Savior lives? Though I whole heatedly agree with you in excitement about see and being in the actual timebound event, our timeless God makes it possible for us to individually and communally live those same experiences daily, I think.

Team China (2K2C) said...

True true Mr. Hoffman good word. It was more of a context statement applied specifically for that time and for that people. I whole heartedly agree with the current work of Christ, but in context to those people at the start of such a historic event is what I mean.