Friday, February 6, 2009

Race and Media

"Skin color and physical characteristics still influence race categories"-Nieves and Priest This Side of Heaven.
I love how Obama is changing the race pieces in The United States. His position and popularity has given more exposure to the diverse nation that truly exists. Television has so many racial undertones that under the guise of a good plot and some action scenes hide the injustices of casting managers or directors. How do you make it in hollywood? I asked my sister who is an Asian American actress. She basically said you have to work hard but sometimes you get typecasted and that is just the way it is. And how the whole Asian American community in hollywood know each other to a certain degree. Why do the Latin television stations have people who look more white? why are Asians the reporters and why is a black person viewed as a gangster in every scene? but more importantly how does this effect me and my thinking?
I wish my response could be that race on T.V. does not effect my thinking but that would be false. I am guilty of judging people by the color of their skin all too often. Even when I was a young boy watching G.I. Joe I wanted to be the white American hero. I am trying to learn what thinking beyond images and the flow of society really means. This is also why I am glad that Obama is president. History is changing but has only taken infantile steps. And where is the church in all of this? are we even pursuing a more kingdom perspective of race and ethnicity. It is sad to say that the church in America is light years behind (a quote actually from someone I interviewed). We need to learn from places and organizations that are stepping into a multiethnic context so that we can actualize the kingdom of God.